Home Partners TouchPoint

TouchPoint brings years of industry training to the front lines of lease generation.
Despite using cutting edge lead generation and lead management technology, approximately 80% of all leads are not properly leveraged or are completely ignored. Simply put, they lack proper follow-through. TouchPoint provides the first and only outbound contact center dedicated completely to prospect and resident follow-up. Our skilled agents jump into the lead stream right where you need them most, picking up lost leads and maximizing your staff resources. We provide services that enhance your Opportunity Management endeavors as well as Resident Retention campaigns. By increasing prospect and resident follow-up, you increase revenue.
Product Benefits Complementing Knock:
Our integration with TouchPoint ensures that all customer lifecycle activities are tracked through your Knock dashboard.
- Outbound call center – Rather than automated technology, TouchPoint hires U.S.-based professionals to conduct “outbound” phone calls, emails, and texts to prospective and current residents. Our agents initiate the outbound contact, so they are equipped with information and always ready for the communication. TouchPoint employs talented leasing agents working on behalf of our clientele to maximize their marketing spend, on-site staff resources, and occupancy rates.
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